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I Kissed A Boy

Offline, Online, Grade, Audio Mix and Delivery

The UK’s first ever gay dating show, where the path to love is never straight. It’s loud, it’s proud…and it all starts with a kiss.


Twofour Post Production don’t just know about post. We have been on location with over 20 fixed rig reality productions, designing camera and FX mic plans, working through cable routes, video villages, production gallery layouts, logging systems, record solutions, remote review systems, even helping to build a garden shed to be used as a master interview room. For IKAB we were involved from the budgeting stage, ensuring we had a technical solution in place to rig an Italian masseria with lights, camera and sound.


On location we played a technical support role with the production, liaising with the OB, PSC, Lighting, Electrical and Recording companies helping to pull all the component parts together. We ensured the media management followed all our systems for labelling and organising media. We set up a remote review solution for senior creatives unable to be on location for the shoot, and ensured all the amazing suppliers we were working with had all the information they needed to deliver a fully operational production hub. 


Our team of Edit Assistants prepared the rushes well in advance of the Editors starting. Our Lead Assistant knew every frame of footage and was an essential resource for all the production as they hunted for those perfect moments. 

Our offline ran out of our London facility, with a number of editors and producers working remotely from home.

The final post was carried out in our Devon facility, with clients offered remote live reviews of both picture and sound.